Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Geometry; 3/27

We spent some time today reviewing various drawings and figures in getting ready for the quiz tomorrow.  We went over 4-5 problems together before the students got started on their quiz review sheet.

Assignment:  Chapter 9 Quiz Review

Basic Terms;  Tangents

1.  segment OT, segment OB
2.  segment BT
3.  line AB
4.  line TS
5.  segment AB,  segment BT
6.  point T
7.  8
8.  8n
9.  90
10.  segment QP and segment QR
11.  perpendicular
12.  6
13.  6 radical 2
14.  ABCD
15.  OP = 15
16.  RS = 8
17.  HI = 28
18.  15
19.  18
20.  12

Arcs, Central Angles, and Chords

1.  90
2.  135
3.  135
4.  225
5.  45
6.  55
7.  20
8.  60
9.  150
10.  11 or 1 o clock
11.  12
12.  8 radical 3
13.  60
14.  120
15.  120
16.  4 radical 3
17.  9
18.  9
19.  24
20.  14

Arcs and Chords

2.  x =3;  y = 1.1
4.  x = 4.6
6.  x = 5.2
un numbered question;  x = 70
8.  x = 9.4
10.  x = 6.3
12.  x = 7.1
14.  x = 8.4

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