We spent time going over the homework to begin the period today before reviewing for the test tomorrow. We went through a couple of parallel line proofs as well as some calculation problems together before the students got started on their review sheet.
Assignment: Chapter 3 review sheet
Test tomorrow on Chapter 3
Parallel Lines and Planes
1. true
2. true
3. false
4. angles 4, 5, and 8
5. 140
6. 20
7. 37
8. If AIA are congruent, then lines parallel
9. If lines parallel, then SSI angles are supplemental
10. If corr. angles are congruent, then lines are parallel
11. x= 155; y = 25
12. x = 18; y = 18
13. ext. angle = 36; int. angle = 144
14. 15-sides; int. angle = 156
15. -64, 128
When Lines and Planes are Parallel Practice 9
1. AIA
2. Corr. angles
3. SSI angles
4. Corr. angles
5. angles 3, 6, 7
6. angles 5, 8, 4, 1
7. 35
8. 55
9. sometimes
10. sometimes
11. never
12. sometimes
13. always
14. always
15. BE parallel to CF
16. CE parallel to DF
17. AD parallel to EF
18. BE parallel to CF
19. none
20. BE parallel to CF; AD parallel to EF
Supplementary Practice Practice 10
1. drawing
2. drawing
3. not possible
4. drawing of rhombus
5. 40, 50, 90
6. 40
7. 360
8. 9
9. x = 110; y = 140
10. a = 55; b = 80
11. m = 60; n = 90
12. number of sides: 12, 18, 24
exterior angle measures: 60, 45, 15
interior angle measures: 120, 135, 150, 160
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