Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Honors Geometry; 2/7

The students took the AMC test today, so our class time was just a devoted work day.  The chapter 7 quiz will take place tomorrow.

Assignment:  finish Chapter 7 Quiz review

Answer Key:

Ratio and Proportion

1.  3:4
2.  5:4
3.  2:3
4.  5:2
5.  1:5
6.  5:2
7.  8/5
8.  2/15
9.  2:5:10
10.  10:7:17
11.  3/4
12.  5/4
13.  16
14.  3/4
15.  10/4  or 5/2
16.  5/10 or 1/2 or x + 2 / 8
17.  x = 15/7
18.  x = 48
19.  x = 16
20.  27
21.  13.3
22.  27
23.  16
24.  18
25.  18
26.  15

Similar Polygons

1.  sometimes
2.  always
3.  always
4.  sometimes
5.  sometimes
6.  never
7.  5:9
8.  82
9.  54
10.  36k/5
11.  5:9
12.  x = 29;  y = 30
13.  x = 21;  y = 15
14.  x = 15;  y = 12
15.  x = 10.67;  y = 15

Similarity Diagram Problems

4. a. 2:1
b.  2
c.  150
d.  10
e.  1:2

5. a.  x = 11;  y = 9
b.  x = 10.7;  y = 120
c.  x = 39.4;  y = 23.1
d.  x = 7.5;  y = 166

Proportion Problems

14.  a = 23
16.  x = 13
18.  n = 3/2
20.  x = 14
22.  b = 3

24.  x = 32/11

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