Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Honors Geometry; 12/13

We spent some additional time today reviewing for the chapter 6 test tomorrow.  We went over the 1st review sheet from Friday, and then worked on the 2nd review sheet in class.  The answers to this second review sheet will be posted on this blogsite later this afternoon for the students to check their work.

Assignment:  Chapter 6 Review Sheet

Inequality Proofs;

1.  done together in class
2.  skip
3.             statements                                   reasons
     angle 1 < angle 3                                  given
     BA parallel to CD                                given
     AC > AD                                              given
     angle 3 congruent to angle 2                if lines ll, then AIA congruent
     angle 1 < angle 2                                  substitution
     BC > AC                                              longer side will be opposite larger angle
     BC > AD                                              subst./ transitive

4.    statements                                            reasons
     AC bisects angle BAD                         given
    angle 1 congruent to angle 2                 def. of bisect
     angle 3 = angle 1 + angle B                 ext. angle = sum of remote int. angles
    angle 3 > angle 1                                   property of inequality
    angle 3 > angle 2                                  substitution
    AD > CD                                              longer side will be opposite larger angle

Hinge Theorem worksheet

1.  angle 1 > angle 2
2.  angle 1 > angle 2
3.  ZB > XB
4.  HJ > KP
5.  angle 2 > angle 1
6.  angle 4 > angle 3
7.  angle PRS > angle PRQ
8.  FH > GE
9.  KP > KG
10.  x < 14
11.  x < 6
12.  x > 4
13.  x > 7
14.  x < 7
15.  x < 8
16.  x < 80
17.  x < 54/7
18.  x < 6
19.  x > 7
20.  x < 7
21.  x > 2


                  Statement                                      Reasons
      AB congruent to AD                               given
 angle ACD = angle B + angle BAC            ext. angle = sum of remote int. angles
angle ACD > angle B                                   property of inequality
angle B congruent to angle D                      if isos. triangle, then base angles congruent
angle ACD > angle D                                  substitution
AC < AD                                                      shorter side is opposite the smaller angle

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