Thursday, February 26, 2015

Geometry assignment; 2/25

We spent one more day on trig ratio word problems and solving right triangles.  We went over our homework and then did 3-4 more examples together before the students got started on their chapter 8 review sheet.  Our chapter 8 test will be tomorrow for 3rd period and on Friday for 5th and 6th period.

Assignment:  Chapter 8 Trig Review Sheet   +  page 319,  WE  #4, 5, 10, 11

Answers to trig review sheet

1.  9/41
2.  9/41
3.  40/41
4.  40/9
5.  radical 2 / 2
6.  radical 3 / 2
7.  radical 3
8.  30
9.  69.3
10.  13.4
11.  25 degrees
12.  53 degrees
13.  32
14.  29 cm
15.  22 m

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