Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Geometry assignment; 6/9 and 6/10

We took the 2nd semester final in class today.

Have a great summer!

Algebra 10-12 assignment; 6/10

We took the 2nd semester final exam in class today.

Have a great summer!

Geometry assignment; 6/9

We worked on the last of our sample review questions together and then the students got started on their final review packet.  The geometry final will be over the 3 review packets.

Assignment:   Review Packet #3

Algebra 10-12 assignment; 6/8

We reviewed for the final today in class by going over some sample problems together and then the students worked on a practice final exam independently .

Assignment:  Practice final exam

Friday, June 5, 2015

Geometry assignment; 6/5

We went through our second day of review for the final today by taking a look at right triangles, trig ratios, and angle relationships in circles.  After going through 3-4 problem types together, the students then spent the rest of the period working on the review packet.

Assignment:  Final exam review packet #2

Algebra 10-12 assignment; 6/5

We went through a short entry task to review the distance and midpoint formulas together to begin the period.  We then took a coordinate geometry quiz.  The students could work on an extra credit puzzle after the quiz was over if they chose.

Assignment:  extra credit option after quiz

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Geometry assignment; 6/4

We spent today going over the review packet #1 for our final exam.  We covered similarity and similarity proofs together before the students then got to work on their review packet #1.

Assignment:  Finals Review Packet #1

Algebra 10-12 assignment; 6/4

We finished our mini unit on coordinate geometry today by going over the midpoint formula and how to use it.  We then spent some time reviewing all the transformations before our quiz tomorrow.

Assignment:  Midpoint formula and Translations review sheet

Quiz tomorrow on coordinate geometry

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Geometry assignment; 6/3

We went over the homework from last night quickly before handing out the chapter 12 test.  The students had the entire period to take the test.

Assignment:  extra credit puzzle option

Algebra 10-12 assignment; 6/3

We continued working with coordinates today, but we began to work with determining the distance between them.  The topics today included how to use both the distance formula and the pythagorean theorem for right triangles.  We went over several examples together before the students go started on their assignment.

Assignment:  Distance Formula worksheet  ;  #1-12 all, 14-22 even

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Geometry assignment; 6/2

We went over our last topic in working with 3-D objects today.  The concept of similarity among objects was studied and shown in terms of the patterns that are created.  We learned that the scale factor can be used to find the area ratios and volume ratios between objects.  The area ratio is the scale factor squared and the volume ratio is the scale factor cubed.

Assignment:  section 12-5;  page 510;  CE  #1-11 all;  page 511;  WE  #1-4 all, 6-8;
                      page 500-501;  WE #16-19

Algebra 10-12 assignment; 6/2

We worked on our final transformation today:  the rotation of figures around the origin.  We worked with clockwise and counterclockwise rotations, as well as different multiples of 90 degrees.  We went through 3-4 examples together before the students got started on their homework.

Assignment:  Rotations worksheet

Monday, June 1, 2015

Geometry assignment; 6/1

We worked on our final 2 shapes today -- cones and spheres.  We noted the similarity between cones and pyramids from our study last week, and we also watched a few video clips showing the relationship of volumes involving cones and spheres.  After going over some examples, the students then got to work on their assignment.

Assignment:  Cones worksheet  (5 problems, find B, LA, TA, and Vol. on all problems)
                       Spheres worksheet;  1-7 odd, find LA and Vol.;  leave in terms of pi
                                                         10-16 even,  find LA and Vol.;  use 3.14 as value for pi.

Algebra 10-12 assignment; 6/1

We continued our work with transformations today by going over how to perform reflections on figures.  The reflections all needed a line to reflect across, and we went over how to use the x-axis, y-axis, and other horizontal and vertical lines.  We did a few examples together before getting started on our assignment.

Assignment:  Reflections worksheet